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This one involves help that Alan offered to Lyn who wanted to learn how to do the mapping of the Katrina Satellite imagery.   This is related to the process that Katherine started - See Tribute to Katherine on photo spread page.


From:      "Lyn Rook" <?????@?????>

To:            "Alan Soder" <?????@c???u>

Date:        Tue, Sep 13, 2005  4:36 PM

Subject:             Re: Incredible demo! More questions


My home has been FULL of the sounds of "AHHHA!"..." Uhhuh's"!... "AhhhhHa!"... "YES's!" and "OH yeahs!"  The mysterious process has become finally clear!  Gee, I can't help but wonder how many "other uses" of Windows I have been so ignorant of for so long without knowing it????...These lessons have really filled in the "BIG" picture of the process for me!  I simply can't thank you enough for your time...and your willingness to create these wonderful lessons for me!  Incidentally, do you have family on the coast that has lost their homes too?  I never caught "your story" on the discussion board and how you came to offer help to Katherine and others from so far, far away.????

Most of my big family and their kid's families who have had to relocate to long distances away from their homes will be tremendously relieved by getting the photos and close-ups of their 13+ properties, homes and businesses located in New Orleans (3 families), Bay St Louis, Pass Christian, Gulfport, 4 in Biloxi, Ocean Springs and 2 in Pensacola, etc (I hope)...they are so anxious "to know what to expect" that it seems to be even harder to bear for them "not knowing". Yours and Katherine's kindness and timely dedication is such a "Godsend" which not only reduces the anxieties of displaced families along Katrina's path...but also brings comfort to extended family members who are holding their breathes about the damage outcomes too.  I am thrilled to have learned more about using my computer to help them.

Bless you for blessing us...you have touched many people through this effort and these lessons...may His blessings upon you be multiplied a thousand-fold!

Sincere gratitude for your service,
