still heart broken over what Katrina did, reaches out to
help others in need.
"Ron Grace" <????>
Melissa <MJC???>
9/15/2005 11:30:09 PM
RE: Find James Goodfallow
I want to thank you for your
e-mail. I just talked to my
friend Jim Goodfallow. He is with
his sister in Los Vegas.
Your help was the nicest presant
I rerceived in years. Your
kindness we be with me and
my prayers are too. Give you
a little background. I worked at
the Beau for the first five
years as a cook. Jim and
I started together in the same kitchen.
Cafe Jardon. I moved to West
Palm Beach to be close to my
brother and now work at a
retirement home. We went through
two hurricanes last year, not as
bad as the one to hit
Biloxi. Jim told me he heard the
news a grab a garment tote
and one shirt, pants, and three
paire of underware. He went to
a shelter, that got hit and they
went to another and sleep on
floors, no air no electric, no
food no water. After three days
they all were bused to Ga.
and werer treated with hot meals,
a bed, and basic needs. The Red
Cross came in and gave than
clothing etc. He made arrangements
to fly to Los Vegas to be
with his sister. He has
nothing left from his place in
Biloxi. But he sounded good and
I know he will make it. Side
note I lived across the street
From the Beau at Golf Towersa
on the ninth floor. One of few
still standing in that beautiful
place. Jim lived a block west of
me and that whole section is
Thank you again, GOD BLESS
Sincerely, Ron Grace
From: ????
To: ????
Subject: Find James Goodfallow
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 23:20:16 -0400 (EDT)
>This message is in reply to your message "Find James Goodfallow"
in Hurricane Katrina on Delphi.
>====================Text of
>I just saw your post on Mr. Goodfallow I did find a message
board listed below,where his sister posted. I will
also pass on your e-mail so that she might contact you also.
>I will keep you and Mr. Goodfallow in my prayers. We
were guest at the Beau Rivage when the evacuation started, I live
in Atlanta and we did make it home safe, I am just heart broken.
> |